The Banking Scam
Children of the Gulf War
The Banking Scam
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At What Cost


This exposé is for ordinary folk who know little of the banking process and even less of the economics which runs (read ruins) our country. Why did I write it? Because a dear friend who held a high position in the banking world sat down one day and challenged me with the question, Do you really know how your bank works? I proposed the explanation that I have heard so many times from other friends and public when similarly challenged. We put our savings into the bank and they are then able to lend that money to others at interest, etc., etc. My old friend smiled knowingly and then proceeded to tell me a story that simply infuriated me. I was about to discover the greatest scam that has ever been perpetrated on the public, a scam that is blithely accepted as the norm every day. It was the start of a long journey of discovery.

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