A little about myself.
I am married with three beautiful daughters. I love sailing and appreciating the unique beauty of the New Zealand countryside.
I hold a PhD in science education, from London (SES), a combined honours degree in Chemistry and Physics from the University
of Birmingham England, and a post-graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Southampton.
Prior to my degree, I worked at the University of Birmingham, as a research technician in the Department of Biochemistry,
under Dr John Teal from the University of Cambridge, studying fluorescence of proteins in neutral solution. I also worked
under Professor Brian Perry from the University of Cambridge, investigating the actin/myosin relationship in muscle protein.
In New Zealand, I taught Chemistry, Physics, Laboratory Technology and Nuclear Medicine at tertiary level for twenty years.
I am now retired and have undertaken, with other members of the Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Genetics the task
of informing the public on genetic engineering. I have authored Exploding the Myth series; Genetic Engineering, Irradiated
Foods and Electro Magnetic Radiation, and co-authored Vaccination and Poisons in your Mouth, Fluoridation and Amalgam with
Dr Mike Godfrey, Director of the Bay of Plenty Environmental Health Clinic. I also contribute regularly to New Zealand periodicals,
and have had articles published on genetic engineering and other areas of science. My latest publication "The Final Pollution"
is a book exposing the flawed technology of genetic engineering and how it has been foisted onto consumers world-wide against
their will.